The Magical Librarian of Tulsa Oklahoma

A quirky, charming, romantic fantasy

A College of Magic. Midnight.

A medieval bestiary of magical creatures glimmers in a locked case, a student prank goes disastrously wrong, and now puppy-sized dragons are hurling fire in Kate’s library.

Worse, one creature escapes—an enormous mythological serpent with unknown powers. Despite limited skills in magic and a total lack of kick-ass ninja moves, Kate has to recapture that serpent, and fast.

She’s assisted by a group of academic misfits, including a hunky vet who kisses as deftly as he calms gryphons. But after a catastrophe at the zoo changes Kate’s identity and thrusts the serpent into the national spotlight, rivals race to seize the elusive beast. Rivals who have money on their side. And thugs. And very few scruples. Once bullets and enchantments start flying, everyone is bound to wind up in the cross-hairs—even Kate herself.

In the process, Kate becomes her true self – by becoming very much not herself.

In a world that like ours, yet not quite ours, The Magical Librarian of Tulsa, Oklahoma tells a laugh-out-loud adventure with a sprinkle of magic, a sparkle of romance, and a few unhappy dragons.


Engaging and delightful … perfect blend of action and strong characterization … hard to put down.

– Midwest Book Review

Plenty of action, academic humor and straightforward magical fiction, creating an unusual, but winning combination that’s sure to entertain.

– Blue Ink Reviews

Readers will find themselves longing for more tales of Kate LaFon and her colorful and diverse supporting cast of friends and lovers.

– Sarah Branson